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Old 10th August 2021, 20:38
Posts: n/a
Re: Last F-86 vs MIG-15 combat July 20,1953

On 20 July 1953 soviet pilots claimed 4 F-86s.
After 13:00 six MiGs from 224 IAP landed on Dapu. A pair of Capt Boris Siskov and Senior Lt Vladimir Klimov were at an altitude of 150 m when Klimov got a tone of his radar warning system and they found a pair of Sabers from behind. The MiGs went up, the F-86s followed them, but having a higher speed, they overshoot. Siskov shot down the leader, who crashed near the airfield [Bettinger]. Klimov fired 25 shells at the wingman; F-86 went into the clouds with a white smoke.
At 16:00, the eight MiGs from 781 IAP of the Pacific Fleet was attacked on takeoff. In low altitude aerial combat Maj Chirkov and Senior Lt Sherstnev claimed 2 F-86s shot down (fire distance 500 – 800 m), and Klochkov claimed damaged another one.

Best regards,
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