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Old 10th November 2021, 20:19
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Re: Defence of the Reich: Female Fighter Controllers?

I've read two (2) examples: (1) "Eagle in Flames ~ The Fall of the Luftwaffe" E. R. Hooton (1997) Pg. 165.

"Within the signal service the girls [women] worked very well, and their soprano and contralto voices proved clearer than men's in directing fighters in the babel of conversation and jamming which otherwise filled the earphones." [71]

Citation 71 reads: See: Schreiber, "Luftwaffen- und Marinehelfer (Flak)': and Luftwaffe Training and Organization (PRO Air 40/1473).

(2) Second example--I can't find the reference, but it went something like this: during a radar interception controlled by female Luftwaffe controllers, the British spoofed the interception direction with German speaking women (fake) controllers who sounded better than the real controllers. The flight leader ends up teasing what he believes to be the fake controller and the real Luftwaffe controller comes back and says, "no I am the real controller." The result was a failed interception.

I've been trying to find it, but so far, no luck.

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