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Old 1st January 2022, 15:08
Matt Poole
Posts: n/a
Re: 1st Air Commando Group casualties, 14 February 1944


Yes, Donald V. Miller is your man. From my Rangoon Jail research, I have good info on Donald, who was called "Red" because of his hair. If you haven't seen it, I can share a photo of him and other 1st Air Commandos (Hilton Weesner, Fred Pugh, Richard “Red” Gilmore, Robert “Tex” Bicknell, Jr., and Robert Hall) very soon following their POW liberation (after they had been force marched out of Rangoon, then abandoned, not murdered, by their fleeing Japanese captors. I'm in touch with Miller's son, who followed in his late father’s footsteps and became a military fighter pilot, and who is very keen to learn more about his father and enlighten others about his dad. I'll be glad to play middleman, should you feel a desire to share info with the son, but, related to his professional work, the son needs to keep a low profile.

Here's a mini-bio of Red Miller, which was secretly compiled in Rangoon Jail by fellow prisoner RAAF W/Commander Lionel "Bill" Hudson:

1035 [Miller's POW ID number]
No. O-660175 CAPT. MILLER DONALD V. MENOMONIE WISC. 1st A.C. [Air Commandos] P.51. On 14.2.44 D. [dive?] bombing supply dump N. of Mandalay attacked by Oscars. A/C on fire, bailed out. Walked for 3 days. Then contacted friendly Burmese. After 2 days police intervened. Handed to Japs. Memyo [Maymyo, Burma] 3 mths [months]. Dysentry, no med. T. [no medical treatment for dysentery] Rang. Prison [Rangoon Jail] 26.5.44. Cell 50. Sol. 5 mths Cell #50 in solitary for 5 months].

If you give me your email address, I'll contact you. Or leave me a Facebook Messenger correspondence; my Facebook page is .

Cheers from the Washington, DC area (Loonyville), and Happy New Year,

Matt Poole
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