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Old 29th June 2022, 17:39
FrancisM FrancisM is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Bayern, Germany
Posts: 38
FrancisM is on a distinguished road
Re: Das Jagdflugzeug Messerschmitt Bf 109. Technik / Eigenschaften / Leistung / Stückzahlen / Bewährung.

In my opinion this is an excellent book and is the best current reference on the Bf 109. The book is very heavily footnoted, so that in 1032 pages there are 4850 footnotes. So many pages are a half page of text with the bottom half being footnotes. These are sometimes extensive as you might expect.
Primary sources are quoted thoughout, plus he has been through all the books available on the subject and these are often quoted and mistakes discussed and explained.
I haven't been through it all yet but what I've seen is remarkable. From his comments on my own work I have to admit several errors, small in nature. There are also points I disagree with.
As an idea of the intensity of his research, I believe he is the first author to deduce the exact number of Bf 109 Es produced. Many others give approximate numbers, even respected ones. Here are exact numbers although I can't guarantee there are none.
Who is he? A retired Rechtanwalt ie lawyer and you can deduce this from reading the introduction.
So I recommend this book unreservidly. It may well be overtaken on some points in the future and there is plenty of material for discussion.
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