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Old 12th August 2022, 18:25
schwarze-man schwarze-man is offline
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Re: List of DB 605A engine construction numbers?

It certainly seems that the Alfa Romeo production is missing from the Allied BIOS reports, similar to the Swedish production. Also, the A.R. 1000 DB601 5-digit numbers cover a large range of around 10,000 numbers in those examples, I think there is little doubt they must have been allocated small production block-numbers in that range.
The FIAT DB 605 is listed as 120 produced in '43 and 214 in '44 for a total of 334. The example block numbers given above range about 445 examples (ignoring the possible high number), which almost looks like it could be a continuous "block". There might be the possibility of the continued 605 production at FIAT in '45 not being reflected by the BIOS recording?
The whole subject of AS engine production is interesting. I have not found much detail about production but, the photographic record shows a lot of AS powered aircraft! There are one or two quotes about AS engines being built within the normal (German) 605 A production blocks, as though they made short runs of AS versions.
Thanks for the info everyone!

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