Originally Posted by Franek Grabowski
I do not need to check! 
Maciej Lipiński was downed and killed over Walcheren near Flushing. I think he was a section leader of mentioned friendly pilot. Another two pilots went down that day as well.
Anybody has any related documents?!
Lipinski's Spitfire IX (EN131) was claimed as shot down by a German test pilot from the Erla Werke factory flight.
The victim shot down by the P-47 was most likely a 611 Squadron Spitfire IX (EN567) piloted by Flying Officer V. S. Neill. The RAF had him listed as "possibly hit by B-17 gunners".
The Brit writer Roger Freeman also didn't mention that the Spitfires may have attacked the Thunderbolts first. It wouldn't be the first time, or the last.