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Old 18th November 2006, 20:49
Brian Bines Brian Bines is offline
Alter Hase
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 2,398
Brian Bines is on a distinguished road
Re: Losses? JG27 24 April, JG300 11 Sep 1944

The JG 27 book by Werner Girberg shows Fw .Heinz Gasch 5/27, Gef Friedrich Heilmann 4/27 and Uffz. Edmund Linhart 5/27 all killed on 24.4.44 on Homeland Defense.
The book on 111 & 1V/ JG 27 by Jochen Prien, Peter Rodeike and Gerhard Stemmer shows the following Bf 109 G6 losses on 24.4.44 Uffz Hans-Georg Kolberg 10/27 killed Munich area, Uffz. Clement Metzinger 11/27 killed near Munich, Uffz Josef Strumpf 11/27 killed and Ltn. Otto Engel 11/27 wounded in Munich area shot down by a P 51 and fired on at while on parachute,
Brian Bines
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