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Old 3rd May 2023, 13:26
Bombphoon Bombphoon is offline
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Re: Turbo/Supercharger Compressors and Turbines for Aircraft Propulsion in WWII

Originally Posted by schwarze-man View Post
Hi everyone,
I am a little surprised that no-one has made further comment on this book, so I will add a little of my opinion about it.
This is a Great book. Calum Douglas and Dr S. Can Gulen have written a clear and enjoyably readable translation of Prof K. Kollmann's original papers. IMO, they have done this so well that the subject material is clearly explained to a non-specialist enthusiastic reader, whilst still including the mathematics and calculations that make this also a reference volume for a specialist in the subject. Beyond the Physics, Thermodynamics and Maths, the book is crammed with examples of the application to engines that actually existed and those that were planned. The subject material is predominantly German but, there is excellent reference to Allied applications and the context of the subject is very well balanced.
This book, Turbo/Supercharger Compressors and Turbines for Aircraft Propulsion in WWII, seems to me to be a perfect companion to Calums' first book, The Secret Horsepower Race and, as they are almost the same size, will sit perfectly matched on the bookshelf together.
The price is not cheap but, this is a rare volume about a serious technical subject.
I think that the cost reflects this books' standing. This is a Great book and it is probably going to be highly sought-after in the future.
I would advise anyone with an interest in the subject to buy this book, while it is available.

Pretty sure that the very specialised subject matter and the eye-watering price has probably shot this book down as soon as it was published.

Whilst I understand that specialist books probably cost more, a non-reader-friendly price = no/few readers.
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