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Old 3rd May 2023, 17:59
VtwinVince VtwinVince is offline
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Re: Major Hans ‘Assi’ Hahn Award Certificate

Not to get too political here, but the preservation of Anglo-Saxon history, specifically military history, is not high on the to-do list of left-wing WOKE politicians these days. In fact, excoriating and diminishing the achievements of historical figures seems to be the norm these days. I tried to get our 'Heritage Minister' to secure the VC group of Major Currie when it came up for sale a couple of years ago, and got the bum's rush for having the temerity to suggest that such a valuable piece of Canadian history actually deserves to be acquired by the Canadian government. But when you see what this 'heritage' ministry actually spends public money on, you can get pretty upset, at least I do.
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