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Old 4th June 2023, 13:23
Adriano Baumgartner Adriano Baumgartner is offline
Alter Hase
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 2,894
Adriano Baumgartner is on a distinguished road
Re: 1/Lt T.J. Lynch 39th FS/35th FG 20 May 1942


It was not uncommon for fighter pilots from all Nations to be shot up on a previous flight and get another machine and fly a second sortie later. Galland (was shot down twice the same day), Deere (need to check...maybe my memory is not correct here).

To some kind of airmen, the fact they were shot (the machine) did not disturb them mentally or psychologically, to take off very soon after for a further sortie (maybe revenge their previous one?).

The description of R Swank is pretty clear: the machine was pretty shot up...the pilot may have been untouched or not wounded at all...just scared a lot (or not even scared, just "Pissed off" with himself or with the P-39 performance.

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