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Old 3rd July 2023, 01:27
Adriano Baumgartner Adriano Baumgartner is offline
Alter Hase
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 2,894
Adriano Baumgartner is on a distinguished road
Looking for the name of an Austrian Leutnant (Stuka Geschwader) shot down at Eleusis - 19th April 1941

Good evening to all members.

Am just finishing the most pleasant reading "War in a Stringbag" from Cdr Charles Lamb, DSO, DFC from the Fleet Air Arm.

There is an interesting passage which I quote:
"The 19th (April 1941) was a Saturday, and on that day the ack-ack gunners defending Eleusis airfield succeeded in shooting down three Stukas. The pilot of one was captured by the Australians defending the airfield...."

After being introducted to the Austrian pilot, Charles Lamb asked him was was wrong. And this was his answer:

"The British Navy are Gentlemen" he said, pronouncing each syllable separately, his face rigid with emotion; "But the Austrlians are not Gentlemen".

We asked him what was troubling him and he murmured that they had kicked his behind, torn off his buttons and ribbons, and stolen his Iron Cross".

IS the identity of this Austrian pilot who apparently became a POW and suffered at the hands of the Australians known? He may be one of the 3 pilots shot down near or at Eleusis that particular 19th April 1941.

Adriano S. Baumgartner
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