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Old 25th August 2023, 11:42
Graham Boak Graham Boak is offline
Alter Hase
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Re: Malta Aircraft Defence

I think it would be difficult to argue that the Hurricane was "getting short thrift" from the G-50, or even the MC200. The MC202 certainly. The effect of the filter has been argued as exaggerated.

Given bombers coming over at 17.000 ft, the P-40 would have had considerable problems dealing with them. The Mk.II Hurricane would have been operating much more in its design element. At lower levels there was little to choose between the MK.I and Mk.II.

The reason no Spitfires were sent to Malta (or anywhere else) was what has been termed the "keep it on the island" mentality. Remember that up to Barbarossa, the threat of a German invasion was still very real. Having already changed his mind on the matter twice, Hitler could have changed it again. Even if the Army aspects of British defence had improved immensely, the German Army was still larger, stronger, and better trained. We know it never happened, and perhaps could never have happened, but this can colour our judgement of those who lacked such impossible foresight.

The loss of Malta - which could well have happened however many Spitfires were on the island - would have been a disaster, likely leading to the much greater disaster of the loss of Egypt. But Britain and the Empire would have survived. The loss of the home islands would have been quite matter altogether.

Last edited by Graham Boak; 25th August 2023 at 19:28.
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