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Old 22nd November 2023, 15:23
Courtois Laurent Courtois Laurent is offline
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Re: JG 51 victories (Part 2)

1st September 1943.

12 La-5 of the 523th IAP during an escort of 14 Il-2 of the 2nd ShAK storming the Baltutino-Strigino (Pl. QU. 25621) sector, were attacked by 4 FW-190. the 2nd-ltn Bezborodov (born in 1923), dissapear near 13h40 (soviet time - 12h40 greman time) .
Aircraft : La-5 n° 39213219 (type : 39/ factory 21/ serie : 32/number into the serie n°19).

This day, the Uffz. Kurt Gren of the 2./JG 51 claimed a LaGG-5 at the south of S. Berniki (Pl. Qu.25495): at 100 m. - 12.44 - Film C. 2032/II Anerk: Nr. 446

12 La-5 of the 523th IAP during an escort of 8 Il-2 of the 2nd ShAK storming the rail satation of Glinka and Bol. Nezhosa (Pl. QU. 25461 and 35347), were attacked by 4 to 6 FW6190 from a goup of 18 FW-190. the 2nd-ltn Chouvaev P.F. (born in 1922), dissapear near 19h10 (soviet time - 18h10 greman time) .
Aircraft : La-5 n° 39213384(type : 39/ factory 21/ serie : 33/number into the serien°84).

In the list of losses of the 303 IAD it is indicated that Lieutenant Shuvaev died on September 1, but the daily reports of the 523 IAP indicate that this is false. He landed on a train south of Mosal'sk and returned to his unit the next day and carried out missions the following days. Which is hardly compatible with a death.
The daily report indicates that it was second lieutenant Marmylev Viktor Prokofievich who disappeared and who did not return to his unit later.
The List of losses states that he disappeared on the 7th, but must be a confusion by the secretary between a 1 and a 7.

This day, the Fw. Konrad Bauer of the Stab./JG 51 claimed a LaGG-5 at the Pl. Qu. 25 467( 5 km South of Glinka) at 400 m. at 18.10 - Film C. 2032/II Anerk: Nr. 661

I'm looking for the other claim's of the day.

Last edited by Courtois Laurent; 25th November 2023 at 17:39.
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