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Old 21st December 2023, 20:11
Peter Cook Peter Cook is offline
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Peter Cook is on a distinguished road
Re: 152 Sqn on 11.8.40

This is a transcript of the 152 Squadron ORB Form 540

ORB Form 540 - Summary of Events - August 11
Airfield: Middle Wallop - Four Spitfires took off from Middle Wallop to proceed to Warmwell, being vectored to a point between Swanage and Portland. 18 109's were sighted in a dog fight with either Spitfires or Hurricanes. They broke up and started back to France. S/Ldr. Devitt and P/O. Williams chased them but were unable to get into effective range. S/Ldr. Devitt fired a few rounds at about 500 yards but without apparent result. P/O. Wildblood attacked a ME. 109 and closed to fifty yards, and this E/A was seen to dive vertically into the sea, he then turned to attack another ME. 109 together with P/O. Shipley he fired remainder of ammunition and then broke away leaving P/O. Shipley to continue attack. Black smoke was seen coming from this machine which dived fast and steadily downwards. F/Lt. Boitel-Gill saw P/O. Jones bail out and parachute open, but unfortunately no more was heard of P/O. Jones who was therefore reported missing.
Source for Data: The National Archives AIR 27/1025/1

There are no Form 541 entries for 152 Squadron for the whole of August, and so pilot names, a/c serails, and times have to be interpreted from combat reports, Form 540 and Intelligence reports. This is my listing for the combat that took place off Portland in the morning:

P/O T.S. Wildblood - 1015-1110 - Black 1 - Bf 109 dest. (10.45)
P/O D.C. Shepley - 1015-1110 - Black 2 - Bf 109 prob. (10.45)
S/L P.K. Devitt - 1015-1110 - Blue 1
P/O W.D. Williams - 1015-1110 - Blue 2
P/O R.F. Inness - 1045-1145 - Red 1
Sgt R. Wolton - 1045-1145 - Red 2
F/L D.P.A. Boitel-Gill - 1045-1145 - Yellow 1
P/O J.S.B. Jones – 1045 - Yellow 2 - a/c dest., Killed

Three unnamed 152 Squadron pilots were involved in a later engagement, escorting Blenheims of 604 Squadron between 12.50 and 24.00. The Blenheims shot down a He 59, and the Spitfires engaged six Bf 109s, but no claims were made.

I hope that this is helpful.

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