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Old 29th December 2023, 19:24
Dan History Dan History is offline
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Re: US Strategic Bombing Survey No59 - a questionable statement about 1-seat fighters production

Those who might wish to take the discussion further with Andrey should note that he is Andrey Yaroslavovich Kuznetsov (Андрей Ярославович Кузнецов), a Russian naval historian from Nizhny Novgorod.

He is the author of "The Big Landings. The Kerch'-El'tigen operation" (Большой десант. Керченско-Эльтигенская операция). This is a history of the Soviet Union's largest amphibious operation of the war, the bloody and failed attempt to rapidly seize the Kerch peninsula in late 1943.

He also co-wrote "The Black Sea Fleet during the Great Patriotic War. Short course of combat operations" (Черноморский флот в Великой Отечественной войне. Краткий курс боевых действий). As a gauge of the level of insanity already prevalent in Russia in 2015, when the latter book was published, seven years before Russia's invasion of all of Ukraine in 2022, the "short course" in the title is a clear allusion to the "History of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks): Short Course", the central text of Stalinist party propaganda, see _(Bolsheviks)

I do not know whether the authors or the publisher chose the title, but little more needs to be said, in either case.

It appears that the same author has dabbled in fiction, of a particular kind. His novel, "Death at the Victory Parade" (Смерть на Параде Победы), features officers of the NKGB (People's Commissariat of State Security, the Soviet equivalent of the Nazi Reich Security Main Office (RSHA)) saving Dear Comrade Stalin from an Abwehr assassination plot, set at the post-war victory parade in Moscow. The text of this book, along with the others mentioned above, is available at

Mr. Kuznetsov is also a blogger, see He has written a multi-part analysis of the various different types of Luftwaffe loss reports. Part four in this series, writing which led to his interest in USSBS Report 59, "The Defeat of the German Air Force", can be read at

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"In December of 2016, practically overnight and without any word, the LiveJournal servers were relocated from California to Russia. Which has quite a few far-reaching effects. For instance, LiveJournal would now be compelled to hand over data when requested by the state, a request it could refuse (and did) while in California. Many users understandably feared the worse."

As an aside, the man with whom Andrey Kuznetsov co-wrote the history of the wartime Black Sea Fleet is one Miroslav Eduardovich Morozov (Мирослав Эдуардович Морозов), a former political officer in the Soviet / Russian RVSN (Strategic Missile Force) and then long-time official historian at the Red Banner Institute of Military History of the Russian Ministry of Defence (Ордена Красной Звезды Институт военной истории Министерства обороны). That does not make Mr. Kuznetsov himself an official historian, but the two gentlemen worked together on at least one other occasion, when they helped the Russian Northern Fleet's search for Soviet submarines lost during the Second World War. As reported by Russia's official newspaper, see
My research paper - How were German air force resources distributed between different fronts in the years 1941 to 1943 - Research.html
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