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Old 30th December 2023, 13:43
Andrey Kuznetsov Andrey Kuznetsov is offline
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What happened to the planes that were sent to Überholung?


The general consensus is that these are aircraft that were sent to Industrie due to wear and tear, partly apparently in combination with accumulated minor damages. Net wear is the operating time of a set number of hours. What did they do with these planes?

The following options seems most obvious:
- extended the service life based on the results of inspection and repair/replacement of some parts;
- sent to training and other non-combat units;
- written off.

Gen.Qu.6.Abt. checked the casualty reports against the lists of factory numbers and probably made the appropriate remarks. Obviously, these lists did not survive the war. But maybe some summary statistics on the fate of aircraft sent for Überholung and other kinds of the repair were preserved?

I also wonder if documents describing the procedures associated with the "Überholung" category at all stages, from the dispatch of the planes from the combat units and to the Industrie, exists.

Best regards,
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