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Old 21st March 2024, 04:44
Edward Edward is offline
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Edward is on a distinguished road
Re: Italian Aviation in the First World War


I own a copy of the Gentilli's Schiffer volume, one of many books that I acquired during the pandemic as I abruptly attempted to create a basic WWI aviation library. It is certainly the heaviest military history book that I own and its size and weight does curtail my enjoyment of reading it. It provides the basics of what I need though I am curious about James Davilla's three volumes and the upcoming series from Roberto Gentilli and Aeronaut.

I am not a big fan of p.o.d. books at this time though I certainly appreciate why a publisher of specialty histories would embrace this business model. Yes, I buy books for the information contained therein but you certainly lose a fair amount of the aesthetics with pod's when its comes to paper quality, binding (stitched vs. glued) and sharp photo reproduction. This, combined with Amazon's atrocious, loose packaging of the $50 - $100 pod books has made me swear off these products.
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