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Old 24th April 2024, 14:30
sveahk sveahk is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 190
Re: Looking for the name of an Austrian Leutnant (Stuka Geschwader) shot down at Eleusis - 19th April 1941

This may not have anything to do with Adrianos query - still, it's quite close by in time and geography...

I've got information for a Uffz Wilhelm Opel. He piloted a Stuka in Greece belonging to the 8./StG 77. According to his loss card he was killed around noon during an enemy flight (Feindflug) over Ptolemais, 18.4.1941. Ptolemais in northern Greece (and not in Libya...). Obviously also buried there.

Cheers Hans K
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