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Old 14th May 2024, 23:53
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Re: LuftwaffeData Wiki

Good evening,

As TOCH appears to be back in the land of the living here is a very belated update. Since the last update the following changes have been made to the Luftwaffedata Wiki:-

1. Updates to the Seenotdienstverbände with the following new pages:

Seenotkommando; Seenotkommando 1; Seenotkommando 2; Seenotkommando 3; Seenotkommando 4; Seenotkommando 5; Seenotkommando 6; Seenotkommando 7; Seenotkommando 8; Seenotkommando 9; Seenotkommando 10; Seenotkommando 11; Seenotkommando 12; Seenotkommando 13; Seenotkommando 14; Seenotkommando 15; Seenotkommando 16; Seenotkommando 17; Seenotkommando 18; Seenotkommando 19; Seenotkommando 20; Seenotkommando 21; Seenotkommando 22; Seenotkommando 23; Seenotkommando 24; Seenotkommando 25; Seenotkommando 26; Seenotkommando 27; Seenotkommando 28; Seenotkommando 29; Seenotkommando 30; Seenotkommando 31; Seenotkommando 34 and Seenotkommando 35.

r Seenotstaffel; Seenotstaffel; 1. Seenotstaffel; 2. Seenotstaffel; 3. Seenotstaffel; 4. Seenotstaffel; 5. Seenotstaffel; 6. Seenotstaffel; 7. Seenotstaffel; 8. Seenotstaffel; 9. Seenotstaffel; 10. Seenotstaffel; Seenotstaffel 20; Seenotstaffel 50; Seenotstaffel 51; Seenotstaffel 60; Seenotstaffel 70; Seenotstaffel 80 and Seenotstaffel 81.

Seenotflottille; Seenotflottille 1; Seenotflottille 2; Seenotflottille 3; Seenotflottille 4; Seenotflottille 5; Seenotflottille 6; Seenotflottille 7; Seenotflottille 8; Seenotflottille 9; Seenotflottille 10; Seenotflottille 11; Seenotflottille 12; Seenotflottille 13; Seenotflottille 20; Seenotflottille 40; Seenotflottille 50; Seenotflottille 51; Seenotflottille 60; Seenotflottille 70; Seenotflottille 80; Seenotflottille 81 and Ergänzungs-Seenotflottille.

Seenotgruppe d.Lw.; Stab/Seenotgruppe d.Lw.; I./Seenotgruppe d.Lw.; II./Seenotgruppe d.Lw. and III./Seenotgruppe d.Lw.

Seenotgruppe; Seenotgruppe 20; Seenotgruppe 40; Seenotgruppe 50; Seenotgruppe 51; Seenotgruppe 60; Seenotgruppe 70; Seenotgruppe 80; Seenotgruppe 81 and Seenotgruppe (L) Norderney.

Seenotzentrale (L); Seenotzentrale (L) beim Admiral der norw. Westküste; Seenotzentrale (L) Aegaeisches Meer (or Ägäis); Seenotzentrale (L) Athen; Seenotzentrale (L) Boulogne; Seenotzentrale (L) Brest; Seenotzentrale (L) Bretagne; Seenotzentrale (L) Cherbourg; Seenotzentrale (L) Dieppe;
Seenotzentrale (L) Holland; Seenotzentrale (L) Kanalküste; Seenotzentrale (L) Nord; Seenotzentrale (L) Normandie; Seenotzentrale (L) Norwegen; Seenotzentrale (L) norwegischen Westküste; Seenotzentrale (L) ostw. Ostsee; Seenotzentrale (L) Polarküste; Seenotzentrale (L) Schwarzes Meer; Seenotzentrale (L) Sizilien & Seenotzentrale (L) z.b.V. VIII. Fliegerkorps.

All text kindly supplied by Larry de Zeng IV.

2. Update to 1. Seenotstaffel with information derived from RL10/401 and other sources added under "Additional Notes and Losses".

3. update to 2. Seenotstaffel with information derived from RL10/402 "Additional Notes and Losses".

4. New section Kurier-u.Verb.Verbände Unit Histories created. The intro page has been created as have pages for: Kurierstaffel des Führers‎; Kurierstaffel 1; Kurierstaffel 2; Kurierstaffel 3; Kurierstaffel 4; Kurierstaffel 5; Kurierstaffel 6; Kurierstaffel 7; Kurierstaffel 8 and Kurierstaffel 9. All text kindly supplied by Larry de Zeng IV.

5. New addition to the Downloads page - An article from the Jan/Feb 1964 editions of Flying Review International - Colour 3-views of Ju 87b & D plus cutaway of Ju 87D. This can be downloaded from here.

Thank you for reading.
Best Regards

Andy Mitchell

LuftwaffeData Wiki including the history of Aufklgr. 122
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