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Old 12th January 2007, 17:46
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Re: Losses? JG27 24 April, JG300 11 Sep 1944

Mike - I satnd corrected. I would like details of 357 losses on 4/24/44. The 357 and 355 were the primary shields for the B-17 Group that went astray at Munich in the 1330 - 1400 timeframe. The 55th was still flying 38's so they are easy to pick from the Luftwaffe claims list

I'm pretty sure based on Tony Woods work that either Bartels or Stieglar shot down Sturm around 1400+ and possibly Hillman and Norman in 1345-1410 timeframe - so I'm trying to eliminate LW claims related to other groups like the 357 and 4FG's

I'm also scrathing my head on who the 355th really hurt that day with 20 109 claims plus 9 damaged in the target area from Augsburg through Munich and back from S of target to the West. I looked at all the encounter reports and all were "exploded, pilots bailed out, crashed into ground' types with no particular claim that leaves room for speculation - so even if overstated - some outfit was hurt


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