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Old 12th January 2007, 23:06
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Re: Soviet Hurricanes - where, when, ...?

do you know if Rybin has any plans to try to find a British publisher to his book? A good book in English on Soviet Hurricanes should have some market in GB and elsewhere, for ex. here in Finland. If not have you give any thoughts of offering your part, the history of Hurricanes of 3 giap KBF, as an article to some British aviation magazines?

Kalender1973. Finns claimed 5½ victories while flying in Hurricane of which to 3 there seems to be a match in Soviet losses (1 SB, 2 I-153s)
IIRC at first Finns were rather pleased with Hurricanes but later their attitude became more negative. Maybe one reason was the lack of 100 octane fuel. And Merlin was also one more complex engine to be worried about.

IIRC some Dutch pilots said that they prefer Buffalo over Hurricane. I agree with you that one ought to take account the variant used, for ex the tropical filter had certain negative influence on Hurricane's performance. IIRC some US fliers claimed that F2A-1 wasn't bad plane, being equal to F4F-3 but that F2A-3 was a dog
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