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Old 5th May 2007, 17:31
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Re: What was an ATF in 8th Air Force in 1944?

Larry - I would doubt that the 9th put enough mediums in the air stiking multiple targets (with the Battle of the Bulge being a distinct exception) to warrant the use of ATF very often, if at all. Of course the fact that I haven't seen ATF in reference to 9th AF tactical operations means precisely nothing..

Ivo's definition is correct.

The Fighter Wing mission order would contain the specific ATF (if referenced) and the Bomb Division and CW's (always cited) they were tasked to escort and the briefing would have included the designated Wing id (ie. 91st would be a icon of B-17 Tail with Triangle A) to help the Fighter leaders and pilots identify their flock.

The bomber tracks on the mission board would also identify the other Fighter Groups as either P-51 or P-47 icons with a number (4, 355, etc) located at the R/V points on the track

If you have not seen a Briefing Room/Map showing all of this, PM me with email address and I will send you some.


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