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Old 27th March 2005, 22:44
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Alter Hase
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Re: Discussion on the air war in Tunisia

To comment my earlier message, IMHO Bf 109G was in early 1943 a good short range air superiority fighter, but the early Gs suffered a lack of fire power as interceptors, Spit V had appr. a twice the firepower than early Bf 109Gs and the fact that Spit's firepower wasn't so concentrated didn't matter much in attacks against bombers. Bf 109G-1/-2/-3 and -4 were maybe too optimized for fighter vs fighter combat and that made the stopping of Allied bombers (excluding Bisleys) difficult. On the other hand Spit Vs had enough firepower to hurt the German bombers if they got to firing position and if the British had a good fighter control system as on Malta they usually got there even if the German and Italian fighters could make them pay a price but British fighter pilots based on Malta had the guts to force their way to bombers in the extent that the were able to force the bombers away from their targets.


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