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Old 12th April 2005, 21:22
Von Alles Von Alles is offline
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Von Alles
Re: Ken Merrick's "Luftwaffe Camouflage & Markings" book

Hello and thank you to all.

I did want to criticize Mr MERRICK when I said that most of the pictures was already published . Of course, they are used in this book to illustrate the text.
It is the same thing for the profiles. But people who don't buy the book for the moment have to know that . I was not disappointed by this book, which very complementary of UHLMANN's book. Some informations are great. Maybe, during these years, I mystified myself in thinking Luftwaffe camouflages more easy to decript. I am ffeling like in 1977 I discovered a Kookaburra book about Luftwaffe colors writen by SMITH & GALLASPY...

Good evening
Von Alles
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