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Old 21st April 2005, 03:19
klemen klemen is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 20
Re: War over SE Asia part deux

Shores' books: This is the first time I hear that Volume 3 is on its way. What it is going to be about, Don? New Guinea and New Britain?

242 Squadron RAF: Terrence Kelly is preparing a new book, a sort of official history of 242 Squadron RAF in the Far East in 1941-1942. It should be published in the coming weeks by Sword & Pen. That is if it is not already. It has been while since I was looking at their website.

Japanese accounts: I myself am looking for any accounts of Japanese airmen over Malaya and Dutch East Indies 1941-1942. Can anyone recommend me any books. Any Japanese aviators, who flew in that period (besides Saburo Sakai) and by some chance published their memoires or accounts after the war? Or any other books?

BTW: Why I am not allod to use Copy and Paste with my Mozilla browser?


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