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Old 25th April 2005, 16:35
Franek Grabowski Franek Grabowski is offline
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Re: 65 anniversary of Katyn massacre


>There is too much killing in the world, legal and illegal.

Well, considering a major portion of deaths is caused by cars, would you scrap them all?

>Murder, war, genocide, the common theme is all are dead.

Wrong thinking. War does not necessarilly means killing. Genocide does not mean war. Why do you confuse clear and obvious definitions?

Just because one tribe of humans kills another tribe to fit the description of genocide-- all are equally dead no matter how they died.

The matter is why they died and not how they died.

>And the criminals who do it, some of them, perhaps many of them, escape justice, but what are YOU going to do about it?

So do you think imperfections of justice system justify just anything?

>I want to see an end to it, the killing.

Excellent, but tell me, why you did not protest against Auschwitz thread?


>It was not genocide by all means, it was execution of anti-soviet representatives of capitalist classes to prevent any possible resistance on returned russian territories (which were getting back to Russia from Poland in Sept 1939 by Molotov-Ribbentrop Treaty)

Read the definition of genocide. This was a genocide. Otherwise there were no Russian territories taken over by Red Army.

>millions of Soviets were executed by commies for political reasons in 1917-1953.

So you consider this a justification?

>Should we treat all what happened with Soviet people in XX century as genocide? Probably, yes.

Soviet Union was (is) a criminal state and as such should be trialed just as Germany was in Nurenberg.

>Should we use the same definition for Katyn massacre?

Yes, especially having in mind Gestapo-NKVD agreements of Zakopane meeting.

>No, because those poor Poles were just a small speck of dust in the universe of war for communist future of the human race. It's impossible to dedicate them from the whole bloody picture and say that killing Polish people is something extraordinary for Soviets and might be treated as something personal against Poland and Polish people.

Poor Russians are just a small speck of dust in the universe. Should we care about them at all?

>For good commie there is no nationality, only class nature matters. All killed Poles were officers. Capitalists for soviets. That's why they were doomed.

Most of those officers were reserve officers, ie. ordinary people who finished studies. They were doctors, engineers, teachers or lawyers.

>Should Russians call genocide the killing of 100 thousand Soviet POWs in Poland in 1920-21? I have heard Poles don't like to talk about it.

You heard it wrong, because Poland is quite open for such discussions. Your problem is that there was no genocide and the matter appeared just after Yeltsin finally admitted Soviet Union was responsible for Katyn massacre. Actually, Soviet/Russian propaganda claims are denied by Russians themselves, eg. Pavel Aptekar of Moscow, whose grandpa was in Polish PoW camp.
In turn, what had happenned to Polish PoWs, who were taken by Soviets? Why Merian Cooper (of King Kong fame) had to escape from a Soviet camp?

>And what about 1612? Was it genocide on Russian people?

How about Troy?

>Sorry, I think this anti-russian thread is stupid

No, it is not. Current Russia continues traditions of criminal Soviet Union and this is just unacceptable in civilised standards.