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Old 26th April 2005, 03:27
John Beaman John Beaman is offline
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Re: Status Update Jagdflliegerverbände Vol 9/I

Dr Prien has offered some unique information/opportunities for those who are truly "into" Luftwaffe fighters. His Schieffer 109 book, and those published on JGs 3, 11, 27, 53 and 77 are unique: there is no comparable effort on these units' histories. The current series takes a different approach, but much more broad coverage and again offers opportunities for photos and documentation that are, apparently not available any where else. So, bottom line: what is this worth to you? Frankly, for what one gets, understanding the tremendous efforts he and his co-authors have made over many years to acquire and organize the data as has been done, the price is "priceless".

For those who complain about the price, fine: you pays your money and makes your choices in life. It is all about priorities. A couple of dinners in London, or Paris, or Berlin, or Brussels, etc., would easily cover a couple of volumes in the series. What is important to you? Save your money. Even after all these years the unit histories are still available from Struv Druk.

Have you ever thought how many years and how much money it would take you to even travel to sources, dig out, collect, collate and publish even 50% of what Prien, et al, have done? Its cheap, folks.

Thanks to Dr. Prien, et al!!!
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