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Old 16th December 2007, 23:12
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Re: Wellington Z1406, 22 July 1942 crew info

Hello guys,

I discovered that on 22 July 1942 in Wellington GR-G Z1406 from 301 Sqn. RAF was killed not F/O Romuald PASZKOWSKI but F/O Bolesław PESZKOWSKI.

The crew members were:

F/O Bolesław Eugeniusz Peszkowski – the pilot, polish rank porucznik (equal to F/O)
F/O Cezary Lewicki – the pilot, polish rank porucznik
F/O Kazimierz Kucza – the navigator, polish rank porucznik
Sgt Robert Maliszewski – the radio operator, polish rank st. szeregowy (equal to AC 1)
P/O Piotr Kuderski – the gunner, polish rank podporucznik (equal to P/O)
W/O Józef Fuśniak – the rear gunner, polish rank sierżant (equal to Sgt)

Five members of the crew lie at Reichswald Forest Commonwealth War Cemetery at Kleve.

W/O Józef Fuśniak (British Empire Medal) bailed out, was wounded in face and an ear, during landing injured his leg also.
He managed to jump into train and traveled few hours but in the area of dutch border was discovered and taken PoW.
It is very possible that he lives in Great Britain until now.

F/O Romuald Andrzej Paszkowski that I’m still looking for was in fact a navigator, a member of 300 Sqn. RAF and was killed in Lancaster on 28 January 1945 over Berneck-Schwarzwald in Stuttgart area.

Franek, Michal - I would like to thank You one more time for help in my research.

Best regards

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