Flak around Airfields?
I was sitting and doing a Mission for the Flight simulator IL2 and started to add up AA guns around the airfield for protection and my friend started argueing about that it was to much so I started thinking and comed to the conclusion that I have no what so ewer knowledge of Flak units that defended german airfields in the West at all, I have knowledge about Flak Regiments in Infantry and armoured divisions for the Heer but nothing about LWs flak regiments (?) for protection of airfields. does anyone know or know a good site about howe a defense around an Airfield was formed?
How many batteries would it have and what caliber would it have? I asume it would be mixed to be able to handle both High level flying airplanes as well as ground straffing planes...
But then again I have no clue.
Do You?
Best Regards the Newbie on this great site, Chainsaw