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Old 8th May 2005, 10:44
Jon Jon is offline
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Re: British / American against Russia in 1945

Thanks for the Link Ed.

I am sure that the Russians would have swept Britain and America from Europe with ease. Just look at the number of tanks they had by 1945, all superb and very capable of defeating the poor Shermans used as the main allied battle tank. And as for numbers of men....well Russia i am afraid would have won that battle too. I think our only strong area would have been in the air where we would perhaps have been the strongest. It certainly was a good job they stopped in Berlin !!!! Again the RAF bombing of Dresden to me, was aimed more at Russia to view as what could happen to her rather than a major war winning raid....More of a stop the war carrying on with a new enemy raid. Lets face it the Lancaster by 1945 in Europe was the only bomber able to end a city in one night, with a bomb load more than twice that of the B17. Great aircraft unless you were on the receiving end !!
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