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Old 3rd July 2008, 13:19
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Mysticpuma Mysticpuma is offline
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"Yellow 16" of Unit: 9./JG27 Flown in the MTO, 1943 who was the pilot KIA?

I'm trying to track down the name of the pilot KIA flying the above plane in 1943.

The only details I have other than the above are these:

The 109-G6 had been found in a Wheat field after the surrender of Germany in North Africa. It was taken to a nearby British Airfield.
It had been landed by a mortally wounded but was relatively intact. A 20mm shell had gone through the longeron on the Port side and exploded in the cockpit, another had exploded against the pilots armour plated seat and one had gone through the rudder. One tyre was flat due to the landing, but that was all.

A new battery was fitted to it, and the damage patched up, and the 325th FG had their first 109!

I have managed to find out that it was this plane "Yellow 16" of Unit: 9./JG27" but I'm wondering if it is possible to find the pilot who would have been reported either MIA or KIA, I have no specific date for the loss of the aircraft other than it was 1943.

Any help welcomed, cheers, MP.
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