Re: Uffz Willy Siewers 7./JG 1 MIA since 26. Nov. 1944
The big Hannover/Misburg air battles started around 1205 ENE of Hannover. First the two flights of the 357FS/355th FG engaged Fw 190's from Celle to Uelzen to Gardelegen shooting down five JG1 Fw 190s and three (JG6?) top cover Me 109s plus a probable.
The 361st engaged further east and se about 10-15 minutes later. Both the 375 and 376FS engaged JG1 and JG 6 in the Celle-Gifhorn and Uelzen area. They met both Fw 190s and Me 109s also The 374FS engaged around Wittingen area - all 190's.
The 354FS and the 358FS and 2SF attached to 355th FG met JG301 and elements of JG6 all around Hannover but mostly slightly south of Hannover and west.
Then the 339th finished off JG 301.
In all, independent of actual LW losses, the three fighter groups engaging JG1, JG6 and JG 301 were awarded 76 of the 102 awards on November 26
So visualize the B-24s flying east on a heading of about 90 degrees, to Celle, turning south to the IP, then due west on the bomb runs over the Misburg refineries. JG1 and top cover Me 109s were sighted as coming to the bombers from the ene between Celle and Uelzen, where they were met first by the 355th FG.
The 361st was on a Free lance and came back to engage in this battle as the bombers turned back toward the target.
It was about this time (1230) that the first waves of JG301 were met by the 355th and then 2SF where the second big Misburg battle occurred coming off the target.
Then about 15 minutes or so later the 339th attacked the remainder of JG301 as the bomber stream neared Dummer Lake on the way home.
The three Mustang groups lost two fighters - both 339th FG - in this fight. 21 B-24s were shot down, two more belly landed on return to England. Bad day for 445th and 491st BG.
Horrible day for JG301 and JG1.
One of the last great air battles in which a lot of bombers were lost... but not one the LW could afford. This is also and extremely rare example of an airbattle in the same general location which involved all three squadrons in three separate fighter groups ~ 150 total ~ were able to engage two large forces of LW fighters and stay in contact
Hope this helps pinpoint probable area of Siewer's loss. EricH and Leo can probably help more if you have any idea of the time?