Thread: Bf109A question
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Old 19th November 2008, 17:57
Lennart Andersson Lennart Andersson is offline
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Lennart Andersson
Re: Bf109A NOW: and other German types in Spain

I have for a long time been waiting for detailed information on German aircraft sent to Spain to turn up. If I had been interested in the Spanish Civil War, that would have been a priority project. In my own research I have found extremely few documents that are specific on anything Spanish and I wonder if records were deliberatly destroyed or perhaps kept separately and then lost during the war. Otherwise there would have been reports, lists of aircraft allocated to Spain, export statistics, etc.

One important question is, what can be found in the Spanish archives? There must be at least some documents that give away c/ns, flight permits with German registrations, etc etc.

What can be said for sure is that much of what has been published is at best incomplete and contradictory.

Lennart Andersson
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