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Old 12th January 2009, 23:42
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Andreas Brekken Andreas Brekken is offline
Alter Hase
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Aurskog, Norway
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Re: Losses of FK I on 29.5.44

Hi, Yogy.

No real discrepancy for 6.6.1944:

The unit reported one aircraft total loss without enemy action = probably landing accident or similar. In this accident the pilot sustained no injuries.

They also reported one pilot wounded in category 1-17 (= due to enemy action). As you stated yourself, this pilot landed his aircraft safely, and the damage to the aircraft would then probably be below 10% (shattered canopy or whatever, maybe you can add details??), and thus there will be no entry in the summary loss records for aircraft, but there IS an entry in the summary loss records for personnel (it would have appeared in the GenQu list of July 6th 1944 if it was available).

Did this clear things?

Regarding SG 9:

01.06.1944 1 aircraft, total loss, combat

No aircraft losses recorded during this period

Rumänische Stukagruppe:

30.05.1944 2 aircraft, total loss, combat
30.05.1944 2 aircraft, total loss, non-combat
31.05.1944 1 aircraft, damaged, combat (durch Flakbeschuß)
31.05.1944 2 aircraft, total loss, combat (durch Bordwaffenbeschuß)

Rumänische Jagdgruppe:

30.05.1944 1 aircraft, damaged, non-combat

Rumänische Schlachtgruppe:

31.05.1944 1 aircraft, total loss, combat
03.06.1944 3 aircraft, total loss, combat
03.06.1944 1 aircraft, damaged, combat06.06.1944 1 aircraft, damaged, combat

Rumänische Kampfgruppe:

03.06.1944 1 aircraft, total loss, non-combat
03.06.1944 1 aircraft, damaged, non-combat

Andreas B
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