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Old 3rd March 2009, 22:11
JoeB JoeB is offline
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Re: Might find this interview interesting

Originally Posted by FPSOlkor View Post
Thank's for a review. What if we will include F-84's as misidentified airplanes?
But there is no evidence of any such cases, in the whole war AFAIK. US and Soviet archival accounts of air combats in Korea match nearly 100% as to what general type of a/c (F-86, single engine straight wing jet, Meteor, single prop, B-29) met approximately where, when and in what rough numbers. I know of no case where there's a Soviet credit for an F-86 without a matching combat between F-86's and MiG's being recorded in US records at the same general time and place. Even in the March 16 and April 6 cases above I abbreviated just saying no F-86 losses but there were combats recorded which match the Soviet credits, just no losses in those combats. Nor were there any combats by F-84 or other straightwing jets with MiG's that match any of Zablelin's credits, except the one v an F-84 according to him. And again this is pretty universal throughout the war: F-80, F-84, F9F, F-94 etc were mistaken for one another frequently but in every case I know F-86's credited to Soviet pilots correspond to specific combats involving F-86's recorded by the US, it's just that the losses don't typically agree very well.

Of course in some cases there are US reports of combats not recorded by the Soviets themselves, but those are explained already or presumably will be eventually, by detailed PLAAF and NK accounts.

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