Thread: Stab./KG26
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Old 22nd March 2009, 18:46
Doug Stankey Doug Stankey is offline
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Re: Stab./KG26

Yes, this can be considered an update. The personnel and unit databases are being updated continually. In the past year alone, the amount of material added to the officer career database by several hundred pages and at least two thousand new guys. The bomber book manuscript was frozen as of 31 December 2006 and so it is relatively "old". For our forthcoming Ground Attack units book, we re-generated the commanders lists from scratch using the latest data but even this has not resolved all the issues or filled in all the slots. Much information is still missing. Compounding matters is that the original documents are a bit ambiguous as to the types of promotions (acting, provisional, permanent) and dates (they are heavily time-lagged). While we shall endeavor to include updates and corrections to the last moment before commitment to print, there cannot be an absolute guarantee of accuracy because, unfortunately, this is impossible. All we can do is assure you is that we will try to be as accurate as possible within the constraints that exist.

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