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Old 8th April 2009, 06:24
yogybär yogybär is offline
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yogybär is on a distinguished road
Re: Günther Rall Interview

In what sense ?

From what I remember from Mr. Braatz' biography:

I wouldn't say that he was a real "critic", more a reasonable and thinking man. He or his wife had "jewish" friends, whom they helped. That was the only special thing with a political side, apart from being a used as a "hero". When the war got into a critical stage, he saw that and when losses reached exorbitant levels, he started thinking that something was going wrong.
But there was never any action or open speech against the Regime during the war. Relatively "normal" behaviour for the situation he was in then. Did i.e. anyone ever hear about a high-ranking US-officer critizising the Irak-war (while the USA is still a completely different societey!)?
Liebe Grüsse, yogy
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