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Old 8th May 2009, 20:35
Mirek Wawrzynski Mirek Wawrzynski is offline
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Re: Red Stars – Black Cross’s Ally over Poland. Soviet Aviation over East Part of Poland in IX, X 1939, a New Book

Vitellius. That is full sad truth about poor Polish Aviation crushed by Luftwaffe in a week. Luftwaffe did not need any "Red Stars" ally to successfully accomplish its job!
Yes, LW had easily finished Polish Lotnictwo Wojskowe without any VVS RKKA support, it is true and obvious for over >60 years, but as I see till now not for you? Wow!

Where are you come from? From Mars? I think so.

LW did the same next in 1940 with other air forces finishing them very fast too over: Denmark, Norway, Holland, Belgium, and France but not over GB, in 1941 you can add Yugoslavian and Greece. This is so obvious, that I can not understand your claims to this topic?

Probably you are not educated in general political history or you have big gap in your maid about this part of history?

Hitler had needed only Stalin agreement and pact to begin WW II.

Stalin had used this situation and get as much as possible from Hitler in 1939-41: ½ Poland, all Baltic countries, some Finland + Romania in 1940 too. This was the main reason of Soviet “help” in Hitler’s war.
Soviet used then also own aviation over: Poland and Baltic countries, over Finland, and Romania too. It was normal modern war. Probably you are not aware this? I think so!

Better for you to read some political history books before you had begun such empty and directly trolling talking.

PWS-26 was twice attacked by I-16s, also was fired by Germans ground troops too.
On 1 X 39 the landing place was bombed by Soviet light bombers, which had damaged 2x RWD-8 – not flyable later.

Of course for you it would be not any case to talking about any kind of air war or even combat mission. Very Funny attitude but it is very stupid one as for me.

Mirek Wawrzyński
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