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Old 30th July 2005, 18:43
Jerome Ribeiro Jerome Ribeiro is offline
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Posts: 90
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Question Me109/Me110 - Sedan - Unknown JG Units

Hello Everyone,

On May 14, 1940, a most significant & deseperate action involving the Amiot 143M was a daring daylight raid on German bridgeheads near the south of Sedan. A force of then planes from GBs I/34, II/34, and II/38 dubbed "Groupement 9" led by Commandant de Laubier encountered the Lufwaffe Me 109 & Me 110 fighters en route.

One Amiot 143M N°69 from Capitaine Marie was attacked by a Me109. The fighter made several attacks at the rear and below the bomber. When the Me109 was aligned with the A/C, the fire hit the rear lower gunner S/C Thévenard at the legs and thus break away, replaced by a Me110. The rear gunner Teyssier emptied his gun on it. The Me110 appproached till 50m and fired the bomber, burning the two engines. The crew bailed out.

At the same time,The Amiot 143M n°85 from Lt Foucher was hitted by the flak and also attacked by a Me 110. fortunately, he escaped by flying at law level.
  • Do anybody knows the lufwaffe units Me110 & Me 109 which paticipated to the protection of Sedan on May 14th, 1940?
  • Do you know if JG reports/books or magazin give details on this victory ( pilot, prisonners, JG units or # of A/C)?
Thanking you in anticipation
Best regards

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