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Old 13th September 2006, 16:17
Mirek Wawrzynski Mirek Wawrzynski is offline
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Re: Bombing of Warsaw in 1939.. goals?

Marius you have not to read it (no "SS-man" is standing drirectly behind you and ordering you to do it), you have free will.

See, if you want to broaden your knowledge, buy or borror two volumes about:
"Cywilna obrona Warszawy we IX 1939", IH PAN, PWN, Warszwa 1964.
"Obrona Warszawy w 1939 r. Wybór dokumentów", WIH, MON, Warszawa 1968.
These books are fundamental works (documents, reports, memories ect. about the defence of Wasaw in 1939 from civil - 1-st - and from military point of view - 2-ed - + presonal expirience in the 1-st.

There are almost daily reports about above topic. The first is even better many reports writtne by people who did work in city institutins and have very broaden point of observation and gathering information about city condition.

If I am right, Marius Emmerling is strong belive, that main Luftwaffe objective/tragets/ was to attack Polish city - Warsaw - only by using of paper. Not such nasty things like bombs ect, were "ever' used over Warsaw. And each German crew over Warsaw was forbbiden by high auhority's order to attack any single civil targets. You have very radiculus point/attitude on military history in WW II (?).

On 24/25 IX 2005 there were terror/bandids attack on civil population in Warsaw to breaking the spirit of defence nad to make own losses minimal. It was good done by Luftwaffe and with great success (this time there were not paper leaflets as Marius wants to see and belive as main tools of Lufftwaffe over Warsaw). The city had fallen in 4-3 days later.

There are much more publication about this period (like Obrona Warszawy by Marian Porwit, or second similar title by Marian Drozdowski - Alarm dla Warszawy. Obrona cywilna stolicy we IX 1939), but for Marius these books are not credible becasue he does not belive in any Polish decuments, memories; thinking about them as total false, not true and credilbe - only Polish propaganda and myth.
BTW Marian Porwit was one of senior commanders (he was professional officer) during the defence of Warsaw.

Only German documents are 100% true other data, thses made among enemies are propaganda's values and simply laises. OK you have right to promote such vision about aviation history in your publication, which is easily recognised and seen. I also have right to say you, that this is not credible attitude toward the past and glorification of nazim - in my private opinion. You are - in my opinion - neo-nazist/fashist oriented author.

Why I am using so often "bandids attacks" - the answer is simple. Then there were many such bandids attacks made on civil tragets by German crews, many strafings on the city streets and homes.
In fact better do not talk futher about this.
There are not discution with neo-fashist as Marius.
Mirek Wawrzyński