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Old 9th June 2007, 23:42
JoeB JoeB is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 121
Re: Flying Tigers VS Christopher Shores?

Wrong classification of losses is certainly possible, but again the example of Korea comes to my mind. It's often said the US did this extensively in that war, classing air combat losses as due to AAA and accidents, and not counting written off planes, but in my research I've not been able to find much substantiation of that charge. There are a few cases, but in many dozen incidents of course there would be. It's not statistically significant. In most cases it's easy to see the AAA or accidental loss really was as classified, in a separate incident at another place/time of day, and written up in detail.

It makes me tend to skepticism when that possibility is suggested as explaining any significant part of the claims v losses discrepancy in other wars, though one must be open minded to specific evidence.

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