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Old 13th May 2019, 09:51
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Clint Mitchell Clint Mitchell is offline
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Re: The Eagles Over Europe Project

Seeing as I have been named in person within this public topic which Vasco seems to be so desperate to prolong I feel it fair that I put the other side of the story across to the onlookers instead of the just the cheery picked excerpts presented by Vasco.

The following discussion took place on the "Luftwaffe Research Group" forum around mid-January of this year:

(MODERATOR'S NOTE: LRG extracts removed. 12 O'Clock High is not—as we have warned time and again—going to be used to continue fights that started elsewhere)

For the concerned onlookers the EOE project is very much alive and well. Progress towards publication is edging closer every single day regardless of what Vasco states. With a project of this scale it takes a tremendous amount of time and effort to iron out all of the details when our primary source material grows by the day. Everything is under control.

(MODERATOR'S NOTE: Material removed that is purely between two people and can therefore be dealt with in private messages or emails)
Luftwaffe Research Group