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Old 12th February 2010, 15:30
Fredo Hara Fredo Hara is offline
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Help : Erkennungsmarke questions


I put myself several questions about the Erkennungsmarke (or Dog Tag) : is there a logical in the attribution of the Erkennungsmarke? If we take the example of 3 fighter pilots. The Erkennungsmarke could be for example:
-Werner : 65177 / 2
-Hans : 65177 / 6
-Otto : 65177 /14

First question: Is 65177 corresponds to a Jagdgeschwader, a Staffel or a Gruppe ? The fact that ours 3 Erkennungsmarke begin all with 65177 means that our 3 pilots were affected in the same Staffel, gruppe or JG?

Second question: Each time a pilot transferred in an other unit (JG, Staffel or Gruppe), was a new Erkennungsmarke given to him, or did he preserved his own Erkennungsmarke during all his career ?

Third question : did the Erkennungsmarke given to a pilot when he entered in Jagdschule or only in a active unit (Jagdgeschwader, Staffel ou Gruppe)?

Fourth question: Concerning the last number of the Erkennungsmarke , is it corresponds to something? If we take ours 3 pilots, is it means that Werner arrived before Hans and Otto in the same unit or there is an another logical?

Thanks for your help !
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