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Old 16th September 2008, 22:44
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Ian Jewison Ian Jewison is offline
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Uffz. Eberhard von Wachtendonk + 24.9.1943


Is there anyone that could help me identifying which unit Herr v. Wachtendonk belonged to?

I recently bought a diary to a pilot Uffz. Heinz-Joachim Berger, on 24.9.1943 his Bordfunker was killed over Corfu.

According to the German War Graves Commission he is buried in Greece.

Nachname: von Wachtendonk
Vorname: Eberhart
Dienstgrad: Unteroffizier
Geburtsdatum: 27.10.1921
Todes-/Vermisstendatum: 24.09.1943

Eberhart von Wachtendonk ruht auf der Kriegsgräberstätte in Dionyssos-Rapendoza (Griechenland) .
Endgrablage: Gruft 2 Platte 15 - Unter den Unbekannten (under the unknown???)

Trying to decipher the diary at the moment, however the writing is difficult.....although Berger was a pilot and they had flown together in the past, I beleive they might not have flown together on the day v. Wachtendonk met his death!

Also a partial aircraft mark of + EL, not much I know!

I believe either a bomber or Stuka unit. There is a mention of being temporarily transferred to 13/St.G 151!

Thanks in advance (hopefully!)
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