Thread: BCRS errata
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Old 10th November 2021, 17:45
James A Pratt III James A Pratt III is offline
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Re: BCRS errata

As for Chronik des Seekrieg 1939-1945 it I believe came out in 1973 and is dated

in checking out Ships sunk by Soviet aircraft in the Baltic during WW II I have some comments ect
IT has the PE-2 sinking ships in the winter war when the plane was not in service at this time.
The Ilmarinen was a coast defense ship not a battleship
On 23 Nov 44 The Scheer was not hit by any bombs in the big Soviet air raid. My notes from "The Soviets as Naval Oppenents 1941-1945" Friedrich Ruge mentions the ship being slighty damaged other accounts mention no damage of see:
Pocket Battleships of the Deutschland Class Gerhard Koop and Klaus-Peter Schmolke
"Defeat at Sea" C Bekker
On 31 Mar 45 The Prinz Eugen damaged by IL-10 with rockets 9 KIA once again I found no mention of this see
German Cruisers of World War Two M.J. Whitley
Defeat at Sea

Whitley has other books:

German Destroyers of World war Two
German Coastal Forces of World War two

more to come
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