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Old 3rd October 2010, 21:27
jamesinnewcastle jamesinnewcastle is offline
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jamesinnewcastle is on a distinguished road
Re: Lone JU88 3rd May 1941 over Dry Drayton?

Hi Julian

Know what you mean about the passing of time - I'm 'interrogating' a 70 year old about what happened to her when she was 7! However she does remember the 'screams' of the crew and seeing the sky 'full' of flames. Also she says that the Farm Labourer she lived with got a commendation from the King for rushing out and pulling the crew from the plane. I'm having trouble linking that event to any records (because I can't find any records) but if I did, then I could link the events. Also I have someone asking round in the village for other cross references. If I can find a site I guess I could use a metal detector to find some metallic remnants of a plane. The area is massively farmed as you must know so most of the few remaining bits would be dug over. but I suspect that the area around clumps of trees would remain unfarmed. I'm aware of the rules about raking up crash sites but I don't want any bits, just a confirmation that it landed next to their cottage.

Also I'm told that my Aunt went back to the spot 8 years later and remembered the scars on the trees that the aircraft struck, they would still be there growing with the tree - if the trees haven't been felled that is!

It's actually all rather exciting - lots of people are helping but there have been loads of dead ends and false leads.

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