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Old 8th August 2022, 06:39
Simon Trew Simon Trew is offline
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Re: Operation Steinbock navigational aids - locations in NW Europe

Hello Carsten,

Ref. errors on the website - not at all - and in any case I would be ill-equipped to spot them as the things the website seem to be largely about are not areas that have especially concerned me during my ongoing research.

I came across the Beacon Bible through an internet search that brought it up as a hit with the link direct to that page (as identified in my original post). My first glance at the larger website did not seem to indicate that there was a huge amount there that was relevant to my rather specific interests and questions, so I didn't spend long there. But Nick's reply prompted me to do so. Unfortunately, having spent a couple of hours subsequently investigating it, it doesn't seem to add much in respect of my particular questions, which is by no means a criticism, simply an observation that it appears to be about rather different things.

One odd thing is that within the website I could find no link to the Beacon Bible that I originally encountered through my online search. I'm possibly not looking in the right places, but it has left me a bit perplexed as the existence of the Beacon Bible rather supports the idea that somewhere in the website there are indeed relevant things, but that I'm simply missing them. Rather odd. I'll keep trying.

Not that it matters a vast amount, but the only thing with reference to the website that I'd claim to know much about relates to the page concerned with pre-D-Day Allied air attacks on German radar sites. I have several intelligence documents that include material obtained from German prisoners who worked at a couple of the radar sites. According to them, their equipment was functioning during the night of 5-6 June and detected the approach of the invasion forces. Also, at least one of them claimed (I'd have to dig out the documents to remind myself of the details) that the radars at Arromanches were destroyed by their own personnel on D-Day, when the site was about to be overrun by British ground forces - which means that the photo of the set there at possibly shows damage inflicted by the Germans themselves, not by pre-D-Day air attacks.

Hope this clarifies the meaning of my response.
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