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Old 5th May 2005, 18:10
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Re: German overclaims in the East. Hartmann and others...

Hello Six Nifty .50s

I'm not aware anything in English by Hannu Valtonen.

Yes, in his Pohjoinen Ilmasota (1996) Hannu took rather dim view on claim accuracy on Eastern Front. On Your mentioned specific case, June 1944 over Karelia Istmus, he wrote (pp. 363 - 64) that the claim accuracy was 1:3 in the best case (if all those missing a/c of the 13th Air Army were shot down by fighters) and 1:4 if none of those the 13th Air Army reported missing were lost to fighters. Valtonen gives a couple of reservations to this calculations. He had no info on PVO losses, if any, and because he had no info on VVS KBF (Baltic Fleet's Naval AF) losses he estimated that it's losses were in the same ratio to number of a/c in use than those of 13th Air Army. Also some of the 13th Air Army losses may have occured over Baltic states.

Pohjoinen Ilmasota. Suomeen liittyvät sotatoimet syksystä 1944 kevääseen 1945. Keski-Suomen Ilmailumuseon julkaisuja 5. Jyväskylä 1996. ISBN 951-95688-4-0


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