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Old 31st October 2013, 17:29
RolandF RolandF is offline
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Re: Need confirmation of photo claimed to be taken at airfield at Mühldorf

"Im März und April 1945 musste das Strahler-Jagdgeschwader aufgrund der näherrückenden Front seine bisherigen Standorte aufgeben. Einer der neuen Standorte war Mettenheim, so dass dort kurz vor Kriegsende, auch das Strahlenflugzeug ,,Messerschmitt ME 262" stationiert war - jener Flugzeugtyp, der auch im Mühldorfer Hart hätte hergestellt werden sollen."

"Due to the approaching frontline the jet squadron had to abandon its existing bases. One of the new bases was Mettenheim, so that the jet plane "Me 262", which was to be produced in Mühldorf forest ("Mühldorfer Hart" = WEINGUT) just before the war´s end was also stationed there ".

Not quite exact, IMO. The only jet unit based in Mettenheim for a short time was 10./EJG 2 - from 27, April 1945 onwards - before being absorbed by JV 44. Several EJG 2 squadrons were based on numerous airfields surrounding Munich, maybe this is the background of the story.
More important IMO is the presence of a forced labour and concentration camp, whose inhabitants were building Weingut and certainly were envisaged to assembly the Me 262. I would not exclude the approaching frontline forcing the Luftwaffe authorities to establish Me 262 assembly sites in the infrastructure of Fliegerhorste such as Erding, Mühldorf and whatsover. Always connected by railway which the still-producing sites between Scheppach and Mauthausen?
The war situation prevented those plans. I remember Schmoll having written that machinery in boxing was ready for transport at Regensburg-Obertraubling. The last Me 262s were flown out from Obertraubling end of April `45 when the US army was approaching from Northern Bavaria!


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