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Old 19th December 2023, 21:22
Monaco Monaco is offline
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Monaco is on a distinguished road
Re: Lt Rüdiger Kirchmayr

Hello Stig,

the losses are from Michael Balss´list, where 7677 is mentioned lost (100%) crashing near Epeuville (pilot unknown bailed out), 12691 crashed (100%) near Le Havre (Lt Resch wounded), 5617 damaged (65%) in t/o accident at Le Havre A/D (unknown pilot unhurt).
As in 7677 the pilot bailed out, I assumed it could have been Kirchmayr´s plane, but as Epeuville is probably Épouville (15km NE Le Havre) it seems unlikely, that when it crashed nearby, it was lost over sea.

The diary as such is suspect as long as there is no prove in other documents, i.e. Johannes found Kirchmayr´s Abschussmeldung for 2 May 1943 and from there it is clear that his official victories stood at 4 and not at 10 as he counted in his own diary.

Balss mentions GQM-Schulen (MB) as his source, but his list is huge, so there can be mistakes.
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